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Talk 4 Writing

Glenwood is proud to be the first Talk for Writing Showcase School in Northern Ireland. All children from Year 1 to Year 7 are taught Literacy skills through the approach, developed by Pie Corbett and his team. Talk for Writing is an effective approach, based on the way that children learn best. Both fiction and non-fiction units follow the logical structure of imitating a text, in order to internalise the language structures needed, before participating in shared writing through the innovation stage, finally children write their own independent text. Talk for Writing ensures that children become familiar with the structure of texts across various genres. Children also develop an understanding of the tools writers use, and they can then utilise these in their own work. Talk for Writing lessons are active and engaging, allowing children the opportunity to develop their language skills within a meaningful and motivating context.   


Watch our video for a little taster of the Talk 4 Writing approach in Glenwood.