Shared Education
Buddy Up!
Glenwood have enjoyed a long-standing partnership with Holy Cross Boys' Primary School in Belfast. Each year, children from P3 and P7 join together with their peers from HCB to participate in the Buddy Up! Peacebuilding Programme with the Community Relations in Schools (CRIS) charity.
W5 Lite
This year, P6 had the opportunity to develop their STEM skills by building skyscrapers and coding using Microbits. We each worked alongside a partner from Holy Cross Boys' Primary. Brilliant teamwork and lots of fun!
Connecting Through the Arts
Last year, P6 had the wonderful opportunity to work on a collaborative art project with pupils from Holy Cross Boys'. Led by local artist, Martina Clawson, they planned and produced an amazing collage based around the theme of Belfast, the city we all love and share.